Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Look what I found!!!

Actually, George Borden sent me about a huge shot of nostalgia?? In fact, I had forgotten who all was on that trip - oh yeah, that's right: I was suffering from the worst dehydration headache ever!!! And it started during the 1st 1/4 of the 20 mile hike - no bueno! Hey, now who is that hot lil' biddy in the middle??? Oh hey Shan!!! ; )


Shan said...

oh wow...that's an awful pic of me. first of all, what was i thinking with that horrible hair "style" and who's pants am i wearing, my dad's??? how embarrassing!
the trip was fun though!:)

Jon Tsui!!!! said...

Get out!! You're as beautiful there as you are now, if not more so!!

Shan said...

thanks...i think?

Jon Tsui!!!! said...

Yeah...I think I was complimenting you...well, I meant to..hahaha!! Any way you cut it, you're lovely!